
I fully subscribe to this message and path.  Kudos to Senator Bill Huff for spearheading this message for Republicans.

Not a political book

This is also not a paid plug.  "Toxic Charity" by Robert Lupton is a profound look at the impact of our charitable efforts.  It is not political, but I have said to many, "This is why I am a Republican."


Aside from national defense, there is nothing that ranks higher in priority than educating our children.  And that means all children.  I have, however, become increasingly critical of our public schools.  They cost too much and have lost serious ground in academics.
I believe competition is the answer and I'm an ardent supporter of school choice for families.

Cost of Living

This is like saying I'm in favor of apple pie.  But I hope people will begin to see that how you vote will DEFINITELY have an impact on your cost of living.

Support for our Police

Safety has become a primary concern for Vermonters.  We are paying a price for our diminished support for our police.  Our police are people who run toward danger--not away from it.  For that reason alone, they deserve our support and admiration.

Out of Control Bureaucracy

This is little discussed and yet the bulk of our governance lies in unelected bureaucratic committees.  These committees create rules that have the impact of law, but we have little or no say in their conduct.  It has become the M.O. of our Legislature to set up new bureaucracies to address problems without getting their own hands dirty.


Somehow people have got the message that Republicans don't care about the environment.  Don't believe it.  I grew up here.  There is a lot of conservation in our culture.  It is quite practical in nature, and we have Vermont farmers to thank for the beauty of our state.  Let's try not to punish them while trying to save the planet.

How about some honesty in our legislation?

The Global Warming Solutions Act?  The Affordable Heat Standard?  The Suicide Prevention Bill?  Really?


"Love your neighbor as yourself."
What else do we need for an equity policy?  All people deserve respect and opportunity.   

"Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion" are nice sounding words, but they have become a  mask for what is essentially racist policy.

Support for Donald Trump

This doesn't have much to do with local politics, but people are going to ask.  I am an unapologetic supporter of President Donald Trump...  

...not so much for his bombastic personality.  Donald Trump tells us what he is going to do and why.  He knows how to get things done.  And then...he does it!  These things are rare in a politician.  He's also an outsider--which is exactly what is needed to dampen the corruption in Washington D.C.

This country thrived under Trump.  It languished under Obama and Biden.  What more incentive do you need?